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FOTO: © Jim McCamridge
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Hooray for Humanity!

Tom Rhodes

  • Datum
    do 5 dec 2024
  • Tijd
    20.15 - ca.21.30 uur
  • Locatie
  • Euro Streamline Icon:
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Nederlands English
  • 'Superb, cutting humour delivered with tremendouw rhythm and charm. A joy to see a master of the craft at work. This is how you do it.'

    the Mirror
  • 'Highly recommended if you want a fast thinking, razor sharp and – above all – irreverently funny show.'

    Evening News
  • 'No comedian has done it like Tom Rhodes. After proving himself as a top tier American club comic, life and love took Tom elsewhere. He established a fierce international presence and for decades maintained relevance in both spheres. He is simultaneously both relaxed and hungry to conquer.'

    Miami New Times

Houd je van Engelstalige comedy, dan mag je deze show niet missen. De Amerikaanse comedian Tom Rhodes komt voor een aantal exclusieve shows naar Nederland. Tom heeft in meer dan 30 landen opgetreden en fans verzameld over de hele wereld. Tom viert met zijn stand-up comedy de universele vreugde van humor. Het overstijgt grenzen en bouwt bruggen tussen verschillende doelgroepen. Een briljante samensmelting van culturele inzichten, reisverhalen en vlijmscherpe humor. Hij neemt je mee op een reis langs de verre uithoeken van de wereld en deelt zijn geestige observaties over internationale culturen en het dagelijks leven met een warmte en charme die uniek is voor hem. Hooray for humanity! Een ware comedy legende.

Over Tom Rhodes

​Tom Rhodes (1967) is een Amerikaanse comedian, acteur, presentator en schrijver van reisverhalen. Toen de Amerikaanse Comedy Central begin jaren 90 begon, was Tom de eerste comedian die ze tekende. Een prachtige start van zijn carrière. Hij ​was later de ster van NBC’s Mr. Rhodes. In Nederland kennen we Tom als het gezicht van de Kevin Masters Show starring Tom Rhodes; de Engelstalige late night talk show op Yorin Television. In deze talkshow interviewde hij bekende Nederlanders op hilarische wijze. Daarnaast werd hij bekend als presentator bij Yorin Travel (RTL Travel). Naast zijn podcast Tom Rhodes Smart Camp schrijft hij voor de Huffington Post en documenteert hij zijn reizen vaak op zijn YouTube-pagina. Hij heeft vier comedy albums uitgebracht, waarvan Around the world het meeste recent is.

  • do 5 dec 2024
    20.15 - 21.30 uur
  • 'Superb, cutting humour delivered with tremendouw rhythm and charm. A joy to see a master of the craft at work. This is how you do it.'

    the Mirror
  • 'Highly recommended if you want a fast thinking, razor sharp and – above all – irreverently funny show.'

    Evening News
  • 'No comedian has done it like Tom Rhodes. After proving himself as a top tier American club comic, life and love took Tom elsewhere. He established a fierce international presence and for decades maintained relevance in both spheres. He is simultaneously both relaxed and hungry to conquer.'

    Miami New Times

​If you like English comedy, this is the show for you. American comedian Tom Rhodes visits the Netherlands for a number of exclusive solo shows. Tom has performed in more than 30 countries, which led to him being an internationally loved comedian. With his type of stand-up comedy Tom celebrates the universal joy of humour, it transcends borders and builds bridges between different groups of people. His show is a brilliant fusion of cultural insights, travel stories and sharp humour. He takes you on a journey to the corners of the world and shares his witty observations on international cultures and everyday life with a warmth and charm that makes him unique. Hooray for humanity! A true comedy legend.

About Tom Rhodes

Tom Rhodes (1967) is an American comedian, actor, presenter, and travel writer. When the American Comedy Central started in the early 90s, Tom was the first comedian they signed -a wonderful start to his career. He was later the star of NBC’s Mr. Rhodes. In The Netherlands, we know Tom as the face of the Kevin Masters Show starring Tom Rhodes; the English late night talk show on Yorin Television, in which he interviews famous Dutch people in a hilarious way. Moreover, he became famous as a presenter at Yorin Travel (RTL Travel). In addition to his podcast Tom Rhodes Smart Camp, Tom writes for the Huffington Post and is often publishing documents of his journeys on his YouTube page. He has released four comedy albums, of which Around the World is his most recent.

  • do 5 dec 2024
    20.15 - 21.30 uur